Dedicates 1% for Responsible Gambling
Pledges Support to NCPG to Reduce Gambling Harms. Calls on other gambling affiliates to join initiative.
BettingUSA Dedicates 1% for Responsible Gambling
Pledges Support to NCPG to Reduce Gambling Harms
Washington, DC (January 29, 2020) – ?, a licensed US online gambling affiliate, has pledged to donate one percent of its earnings to the National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG) in order to help minimize the harms that will likely occur through the expansion of gambling and sports betting in the US. Together the two organizations call on other affiliates in the legal US gambling space to match BettingUSA’s leadership by joining the 1% Initiative.
“The rapid expansion of sports betting and mobile gambling has led to numerous challenges and significant opportunities for everyone involved, including affiliates. These gambling affiliates play an important role in the online gambling ecosystem, and they have the unique opportunity to take a leadership role in responsible gambling efforts in the emerging US market,” said Keith Whyte, NCPG Executive Director.
“NCPG advocates for states to earmark 1% of gambling revenues to responsible gaming and problem gambling programs, and since most states fall well short of that target, we believe that it is in the best interests of the industry to contribute,”’s Steve Ruddock said. “ is proud to spearhead this initiative alongside NCPG. We call on all gambling affiliates, and anyone else involved in the industry, to join us.”
Gambling has economic benefits and it also has well-documented negative consequences. As novice and experienced bettors alike have more opportunities than ever to place bets, there is a risk that gambling problems and public concern will increase. This could lead to a backlash and subsequent restrictions on gambling operations, not unlike what is happening now in the UK.
While most who gamble online do not have problems, those who spend significant amounts of time and money gambling online are more likely to experience gambling addiction. Research has identified several important risk factors among gamblers, and especially sports bettors, in the US. These include:
–Adults who had bet on sports at least once in the past year are twice as likely to report problematic behaviors as other gamblers
–Youth already have high rates of gambling
–Youth will be increasingly exposed to advertising and promotions for sports betting as both participants and spectators at sports events
–Mobile wagering, allowing for instantaneous and immediate gambling, has been shown to be associated with increased gambling problems
Additional risk factors for problem gambling and especially sports betting include:
–opportunity for high frequency, live, and in-game “proposition” betting
–increased advertising for betting
–thinking that sports betting is based more on skill or knowledge than chance
–being young and/or male
–being a veteran and/or an athlete
Regardless of the cause and effect of specific factors like these, since online gamblers and sports bettors are known to develop problematic gambling behaviors, it is important for regulators and operators to adopt responsible gambling policies.
The graphical and interactive structure of the internet provides an opportunity to encourage players to become informed consumers, with access to a variety of information and features designed to encourage safe choices and discourage unsafe behavior.? Gambling affiliates, in their unique role as providers of information and recommendations to players, can play an important role in such responsible gambling initiatives.
Gambling has expanded greatly across the US in recent years, and especially so since 2018 when each state became free to legalize sports betting. Unfortunately, problem gambling prevention and treatment services remain insufficient in most states and nonexistent in several.
NCPG has run the National Problem Gambling Helpline Network since 1985 in order to provide a crisis safety net across all states, as well as to give help and information on problem gambling for anyone seeking it. The Helpline is available 24/7 nationwide, is free for callers and is confidential. It is accessible via phone, text, and chat—so gamblers who are betting online or on mobile platforms can also seek help the same way. The Helpline is the sole national problem gambling safety net and is entirely privately funded by NCPG’s members and donors.
Responsible gambling partnerships and comprehensive problem gambling programs are important for affiliates and the general public. The lack of government funding for problem gambling programs increases the prevalence and severity of gambling problems.? While responsible affiliates self-regulate, the lack of strong oversight in many states opens the door to bad actors who may tarnish the reputation of everyone.
Taking a leadership role in responsible gambling through the 1% Initiative improves public perception, reduces reputational risk, demonstrates corporate social responsibility and helps build safer and sustainable communities.? Problem gambling prevention, education, treatment, research and recovery services improve public health and reduce the personal, social and economic costs of problem gambling.
Affiliates who join the 1% Initiative become eligible to display the special logo and receive special recognition from NCPG.? For more information and to join, contact NCPG Deputy Director for Advancement Barbara Rollins at 202.547.9204 or
About Betting USA is the flagship website of a network dedicated to providing news and information related to legal sports betting and gambling in the United States. Other websites on the BettingUSA network include national portals such as and regional portals such as that focus exclusively on regulated sports betting and gambling.
About NCPG
The National Council on Problem Gambling is the national advocate for programs and services to assist people and families affected by problem gambling.? NCPG is neutral on legalized gambling and works with all stakeholders to improve health and reduce social costs by developing comprehensive policy and programs for all those affected by problem gambling.
If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, call or text the National Problem Gambling Helpline Network at 1-800-522-4700 or visit for confidential help 24/7/365.
Barbara Rollins
For questions contact
Cait Huble
[email protected]